
Lots of fun with friends covering tunes.

Sugar Kisses
Echo n the Bunnymen cover; I changed the pronouns for Pride month a few years ago. Dubbed over a karaoke track with added guitar and my vocals.

Midnight Radio w Matthew Presidente (Hedwig Cover)

Matty and I performed this one as part of his Pandemic World is Watching series where we would trade parts in our separate, isolated studios and then mix them together.

Fake Love – BTS Cover

I had wanting Matty to cover this one for awhile. He did so but wanted to mix a great Chris Issac verse in there which allowed me a mellow guitar break. 🙂

Miss Ur Smile (Stones Covid Cover)

Here is me messing about with the lyrics of one of my favourite tunes. I converted a midi track to keys using my Gospel Musicians plug in. Sacreligious I know 😉

Real Men – Joe Jackson Cover

Again for the World is Watching Youtube Pandemic series. Matty and I had talked of doing this tune as a duet for years after we jammed it in his living room one summer day.