These are samples of my fiction and memoirs. Works are generally in progress. A very few are complete. You shouldn’t need to be signed into these sites to see them.
HIV PTSD (A memoir)
Inkitt | WattPad

As a community journalist in the 1990s I spent years researching if there was a way to rethink AIDS as the plague was ripping through the bodies of my dear friends and lovers. I jumped into a harrowing world of bravery, protest, denial, and tragic death. I avoided testing for HIV until I was sure I could control the chaos n uncertainty; the harrowing thought of living w AIDS more than dying; and how I ultimately learned to let go and accept whatever fate would deal me. Somehow I came out physically unscathed, by HIV anyway, and “negative” (to date)… but not emotionally.
Idol Boyz (A novel)

A writer at a tabloid magazine who specializes in writing about East Asian music bands finds himself, and the famous rock band he is reporting on, the target of a media mogul and his hired gangster thugs to silence them from revealing their ritual abuse at a teen idol training camp a decade before
Dedicated to the Memory of Tokyo movie producer, and dear friend ,Masa Kokubo who told me “your story can never be published in Japan”. Thanks for saving me from NiChome hon.
You can see the short film screener pitch here:
An AI Video for the Prologue
Camp Huron (novella in progress)

In October 1978, Chris Ducharme and a group of 15 year old counselors are initiated as counselors on the stark, cottage empty shores of Lake Huron on Thanksgiving weekend on the grounds of Camp Huron. In decades, age-old tradition Chris and his buddies have to prove that they are “man enough” to take whatever is dished out to them by older counselors who are feared as much as respected by the boys that grew up together at the rough and tumble summer camp. What starts out as a raucous, bonding weekend starts to go south after the cohort of younger group of 20-something counselors comes back to camp late from a bar in nearby Goderich, Ontario raging drunk and ready to deal out inventive punishments to the CITs. In these hedonistic and homophobic times, Chris also has to hide his secret emerging feelings for his fellow CIT Melvin. Melvin’s older psychotic counselor brother Stuart seems intent on targeting his younger brother. The lads can only be relieved the moody, inappropriately dangerous Counselor Steve they have long learned to keep a distance from, is nowhere to be seen; until Steve Roberts rolls up at 3am with a pick-up truck full of blocks of ice and shovels…
Lucifer’s Label (Short Story – complete)
Musicians are selling their soul to get viral song hits on social media. Many are dying from the deal.

Mind Bounce (Short Story)